Seen & Heard Archives

Is Your Spiritual Life a Battle?

Do you ever feel like life doesn't get any easier? The world is throwing you punches and all you can do is duck and dodge? Do you feel like just living day-to-day is like a climb uphill?

Your spiritual life should be a battle! The writer of Hebrews tells us to “hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering” (10:23 ESV). What (and whom) do we need to meet this challenge? 

05/16/2015 - 8:17am

Looking Forward

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals produces resources to combat the spirit of the age and exists only because of you, our partners in ministry. Alliance Members are the cornerstone of the ministry, providing the faithful prayer and financial support necessary to sharing clear, biblical doctrine through media, events, and publishing. New methods to teach and encourage others to remain strong in their faith and assist members in fostering a Reformed awakening requires all members to be looking forward.

05/13/2015 - 7:11pm

New Alliance Resources...

Alliance members are always looking to add excellent Gospel-centric resources to their library! Here are two resources full of rich teaching from several Alliance renowned pastor-scholars.

God, Adam, and You: Biblical Creation Defined and Applied

Right from the 2014 Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology and edited by Rick Phillips, Chair of PCRT. God, Adam, and You: Biblical Creation Defined and Applied is full of rich truths that are relevant for today's culture.

05/11/2015 - 1:55pm

Help Equip Believers to Stand Against the Tide

Alliance members like you advance God's Word to Believers across the world through the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals publishing.

Decades ago the Cambridge Declaration pointed to the decline of the evangelical church. That decline continues today and, many would argue, has only gotten worse. Secularism and pragmatism flood into churches and many less informed churchgoers hardly notice.

05/05/2015 - 2:00pm

Sanctification: The Long Journey Home

Thoughtful Christians like you are standing up and demanding Biblical doctrine in it's most clear fashion, straight-forward tone, with no compromise to the world. If you've ever been to the Texas Hill Country Bible Conference, you have received it in all it's God glorifying ways!

05/01/2015 - 12:56pm